November 8th. Not my best day in New York. 

UPS managed to lose some rather nice parts to a bike that was being shipped out from Idaho. If the box had arrived in a condition that looked like they used anything but their feet to move it across the country, I wouldn't have been as frustrated. The hydraulic braking system, with the exception of just the rotors, along with the stem and grips, were missing. Once UPS approves the value of what's missing, they'll be cutting a check. I've waited eight months for the bike...so a couple more weeks won't kill me. 

The tire shop took nearly three hours to mount snow tires. Apparently, New York doesn't always operate at the frantic pace most people assume it does. Nice guy running the place, but most employees looked like they were just trying to look busy. (The fact that the Subaru closest to the window wasn't worked on for nearly two hours, gave them away.) 

None of the stores I went to had what I was looking for. It was a bit like trying to find beer on an Idaho campus during my first visit in '84. Just doesn't happen. Add to that, the fact that one of the larger retail stores started staging its freight at 3:00pm, making it impossible to navigate...and the day was nearly a total bust. 

I arrived home with a few minutes before the sun went down. Just time enough to hike up the creek and take a couple of shots. Well...by the time I got the camera programmed, just one. At least it turned out okay. 

Closed out the evening with a bit of laundry and two bottles of Dogfish IPA. 
Not a total loss. 
See you tomorrow. 

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